
【學生社團相關防疫作業注意事項】因應新型冠狀病毒防疫措施,本組相關場地、社團與活動業務因應防疫,故需協請社團與同學配合相關以下事項 Sites managed by SAD (club office, activity space)

最後更新日期 : 2020-03-12



  • 本組場地(社團辦公室、借用場地)
  1.  課外組所管理之借用場地,放置【社團辦理活動之相關人員進出登記表】紙本(請參考圖檔),敬請使用該場地之單位或社團(含系學會)學生皆需簽名紀錄,並由課外組場地管理同仁於隔日早上九點前回收存檔。
  2.  課外組所管理之場地,每日早上九點皆派員使用漂白水作環境消毒清潔,若遇假日(含國定假日),則請使用該場地之單位或社團(含系學會)學生自備消毒用具作清潔。
  3.  社團辦公室部分於防疫期間本組提供有需要之社團清潔環境用品(漂白水、手套),並於每星期一巡視社團辦公室公附近衛生間清潔用品提供狀況做適時的遞補。
  4.  社團辦公室與場地皆張貼防疫衛教宣導「體溫超過37.5度或有出現發燒、呼吸道症狀,需停止參與活動」,以及「請務必注意社團辦公室之清潔,建議定期進行社團內外部清潔」之宣傳公告,並配合相關防疫通報作業。
  • 社團活動(如:社課、課外相關活動等)(此項請社團務必配合辦理)
  1.  社課: 請各社團於社課或辦理活動時確實簽到,並於每週一17點前將上一週之簽到表影印乙份,交予課外活動組備查;若於結報社課經費時,發現記錄不實之社團,或缺少乙次(遲交不予收件),一律不予結報相關經費。
  2. 課外活動經費: 【若有意申請,但尚未核准】或【已經核准】之課外活動經費之社團,敬請於活動辦理時提供現場參與人員填寫【社團辦理活動之相關人員進出登記表】(附件一)後回收紙本,並於活動結束後一週內提供紙本至課外組備查,若無繳交之社團,經查後則取消不予補助該活動。
  3. .其他活動: 協請校內單位、系學會或是社團於辦理活動時,做好防疫相關作業,並於活動辦理時,請主辦單位提供現場參與人員填寫【社團辦理活動之相關人員進出登記表】(附件一),並回收登記表紙本予以輔導單位作備查。


關鍵防疫時刻 共同守護校園健康



To prevent severe special infectious pneumonia (COVID-19) epidemic, the Student Activities Division (SAD) would like to request all clubs to cooperate with the following:

1. A form of “Access record for club activities” should be placed at the entrance for all personnel to sign in and out.  The form will be collected by SAD by 9 am the next day.

2. All SAD sites are cleaned and disinfected at 9 am daily on weekdays. Any club that applies for use during weekends or national holidays should be responsible for cleaning and disinfection.

3. SAD provides club offices with necessary cleaning supplies (bleach water, gloves), and checks the supplies storage in the nearby toilet every Monday.

4. Please cooperate with the posted announcements of epidemic prevention and health education:

  • "Anyone whose body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees or who has a fever or respiratory symptoms should be advised to stop and leave"  
  • "Please pay attention to the sanity of the club office and regularly clean the surrounding areas"
  •  Club activities (club classes, extracurricular activities or others)

1. Club classes:

   All clubs should require all participants to sign in and submit a photocopy of the sign-in forms of the previous week to SAD by 17:00 on Mondays. If the form is not submitted (late submission will not be accepted) or found incorrect, the activity will NOT be subsidized.

2. Extracurricular activities:

   Any club holds any activities (either applied but not approved or approved) should provide sign-in forms for participants and submit it to SAD.  If the form is not submitted (late submission will not be accepted) or found incorrect, the activity will NOT be subsidized.

3. Other activities:

   Please follow the epidemic prevention practice, provide a sign-in form for participants and keep it for future inspection.

Let fight together and stay safe.

Your Health, OSA’s Delight!
