任江履昇女士生平簡介Introduction to Mrs. May Jen

Introduction to Mrs. May Jen
任江履昇女士 祖籍 江蘇宜興,民國15年(西元 1926年) 生於上海,民國41年(西元 1952年) 來台,民國97年(西元2008 年) 因癌症逝於 新加坡。
Mrs. May Jen was a native of Yi-Xing, Jiang-Su Province, China. She was born in Shanghai in 1926, and moved to Taiwan in 1952. She passed away in Singapore in 2008 from cancer.
履昇女士 曾就讀 南京 國立中央大學中文系,與家人在台創立 林麥公司,在台定居及工作四十年。民國81年(西元1992年) 從林麥公司退休後,定居 新加坡及 澳洲。
Mrs. Jen studied Chinese Literature at the National Central University in Nanjing. Together with her family, they founded Linmark Company in Taiwan and continued to live and work there for four decades. She retired from Linmark in 1992 after relocating to Singapore and Australia.
林麥公司最初十年因國家窮困,民生艱苦,無法拓展業務。民國53年(西元1964年)國家經濟初現曙光,林麥公司是第一家引進美國客戶到台採購,並與廠家合作,試辦男裝襯衫及羊毛衣輸往美國,成為台灣第一家出口代理商。試辦成功後,林麥公司 迅速自美國、加拿大引進更多客戶,並首創招募各大學畢業優秀學生,經短期培訓,立即成為對外客戶,獨立作業的第一線生力軍。這一批批生力軍不負眾望,奮發努力,促使 林麥公司迅速成為台灣最大出口商,商品由紡織品發展到各行各業,地區發展到十二個國家。並且以同樣方式,培育當地優秀青年,進入工商領域。
During the first decade Linmark encountered difficulties in growth due to the nation's tough economic situation and poor living standards. In 1964 the nation began to show signs in the growth of the ecomomy and Linmark became the first company to introduce US customers to purchase men'sshirts and sweaters from Taiwan, thus becoming the first buying agent in Taiwan. With this first successful export experience, Linmark quickly acquired many more customers from the United States and Canada. Linmark was the pioneer in employing outstanding college graduates and trained them intensively to become the independent front-line of a sales force. With the continuous hard work of this sales force, Linmark quickly became the largest exporter in Taiwan. The commodities expanded from textiles to various items of hardgoods and expanded from Taiwan to twelve countries. Using the same operating standards, Linmark trained the excellent local young people to enter the business and industry field in all these countries.
履昇女士 德才兼備, 待人言語溫婉,態度優雅,耐心無比.處事平穩踏實,按部就班,有條不紊.無論身處何處,隨時維護周邊整齊清潔,一塵不染的樣貌. 履昇女士 在林麥公司培植會計人才,不遺餘力,得以帳目清晰公平合理,取得海外客戶之普遍信任.培養新進同仁能同理心,同甘共苦,親切誠懇,從無一語責備。履昇女士一言一行,都足為後進典範與學習。因此,所有林麥老同仁,至今對她敬愛深切,殷殷悼念不已。
Mrs. Jen was very kind and capable. She was elegant and soft-spoken, patient and calm. She worked systematically step by step. She always maintained an impeccable image through neat and spotless surroundings wherever she stayed. She induced the Linmark accounting departments to place customer service as their top priority and so won the full confidence of overseas customers. Mrs. Jen instilled in her new employees the qualities to develop empathy, fortitude and sincerity. She was the role model for the young generation in everything she said or did. Because of this all Linmark colleagues loved and respected her and mourn her passing.
數十年耕耘,林麥人才濟濟,今散居台灣及海內外,仍在各地嶄露頭角,發光發亮,成就巨大貢獻。為感念 履昇女士 生前慈愛,並發揚光大 林麥公司 鼓勵青年學生自動自發、全力以赴、團結合作、犧牲奉獻之林麥傳統精神,特由 林麥聯誼會 協同家人, 於國立台灣大學、輔仁大學、東海大學、國立成功大學與國立東華大學共五所大學創立 任江履昇女士清寒獎學金,以資紀念。
After several decades of development, there are many talented Linmark people in Taiwan and overseas displaying their abilities with great achievements in many fields . In order to commemorate Mrs. Jen’s endless love and compassion, and promote the Linmark traditional spirit of self-motivation, endeavor, teamwork and dedication, the family of Mrs. May Jen and the Linmark Alumni Association founded the Mrs. May Jen Scholarship funds for the poor students at National Taiwan University, Fu Jen University, Tunghai University, National Cheng Kung University and National Dong Hwa University, total 5 universities.