【書卷獎】108學年度第1學期大學部獎學金已於2020/5/11核發【Scholarship】 Scholarship Remittance of Academic Achievement Award for 2019 Fall Semester
最後更新日期 :
1. 學士班獎學金已於5/11核發,於約7-10工作日轉入帳戶。
2. 獎狀已送交各學院承辦人。
3. 如有問題請電洽學務處生輔組王小姐;聯絡電話:890-6220
Dear fellow students,
The Academic Achievement Award ceremony for 2019 Fall Semester will be held by each college. Please pay attention to the announcement of the date and location by your college.
1. The Scholarships for undergraduate students have been issued on 5/11 and will be transferred to awardees’ accounts within approximately 7-10 working days.
2. The certificates have been sent to college offices.
3. For more information, please contact Ms. WANG at 890-6220.
Your glory, OSA’s delight!
Living Services Division, Office of Student Affairs, NDHU
學務處生輔組 敬啟
1. 學士班獎學金已於5/11核發,於約7-10工作日轉入帳戶。
2. 獎狀已送交各學院承辦人。
3. 如有問題請電洽學務處生輔組王小姐;聯絡電話:890-6220
Dear fellow students,
The Academic Achievement Award ceremony for 2019 Fall Semester will be held by each college. Please pay attention to the announcement of the date and location by your college.
1. The Scholarships for undergraduate students have been issued on 5/11 and will be transferred to awardees’ accounts within approximately 7-10 working days.
2. The certificates have been sent to college offices.
3. For more information, please contact Ms. WANG at 890-6220.
Your glory, OSA’s delight!
Living Services Division, Office of Student Affairs, NDHU
學務處生輔組 敬啟