
{課外活動組防疫公告}課外活動組輔導之學生社團、自治組織及學生任務團隊「落實防疫 生活解封」於6/22辦理活動改交活動確認表

最後更新日期 : 2020-06-03



In respond to the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) policy (see attachment 1), during the hosting period, Students clubs, self-governments and mission groups, which are under Student Activities Division, need to submit activity confirmation with club’s emblem (see attachment 2) when appling for activity subsidy, the place which needs Student Activities Division review, or borrowing equipments, etc. from 22nd June 2020. In addition to activity confirmation, you also need to submit body temperature record sheet after the activity.

If the epidemic intensified, we need other operation procedures such as submitting risk evaluation form, we will have another announcement.

關鍵防疫時刻 共同守護校園健康

In the Critical Epidemic Prevention Period, Let’s Guard Campus Health Together.



Student Activities Division

NDHU Office of Student Affairs caring about you
