
我心中的任太太 My Memory of Mrs. May Jen

最後更新日期 : 2012-02-06
My Memory of Mrs. May Jen
王明純 Andrew Wang
經過幾項資格考試之後,首先Mr. Udalevich面試, 談得很愉快。接著Mr. Whitburn面試. 他問:
“不可能。 如果你能在6個月內做到,你就是天才了。”
“我不了解。 但是, 一個月是根據我上次的工作經驗。”
“是的。我想。” 當時,父親經商失敗,家產賠光,一無所有,當然想快賺錢。
“太可怕了。 我不曾想過。”
“我會很認真工作,成為某方面的專家, 然後與好朋友一起創業。”
“了解。 你可以走了。”
當時我以為Mr. Whitburn是公司的老闆。他結束我的面試時沒問我想要的薪水,
大約一星期後, Dana 打電話通知我到公司與剛從香港回來的大老闆面試。
大老闆? 又是老外嗎? 當我被帶入裡面的大辦公室時,意外的見到一位眼神銳利,神態高雅的中國婦人。她示意我坐下,用中文問我問題。
她很耐心地問了我許多問題, 包括我的家鄉,父母的工作,兄弟姊妹與他們的工作。 然後她問我是否有工作了,我說有,薪水是6000/月。她問我知不知道林麥的薪水是3,500/月。我說知道。 她就問我那為甚麼要換工作? 我說我很喜歡英文,也喜歡與外國人一起工作。最後她問我是否 願意接受一個月3,500的薪水。 我說可以。因為我認為在林麥的前途將會比我現有的工作更好。
第二天,Dana電話告訴我,我已被錄取了。我很高興地加入了林麥。大約三年後Dana讓我看我的面試紀錄表, 我才發現Mr. Udalevich 給了我所有考試”A”的評價, 並認為應該給我六個月的試用期。然而, Mr. Whitburn 卻這麼寫:
“相當不錯的人。 但我不認為他會待太久。我認為他一年內就會離職。”
很幸運地, 任太太沒有受Mr. Whitburn對我不利的評語所影響,親自對我做一次面試。他很聰明,判斷也很正確。後來我在林麥工作了8年半才離職。難怪林麥所有新進人員多是由任太太做最後的面試。
在我服務林麥的期間,每次見到 任太太她總是很友善地對我微笑或點點頭。我們很少有交談的機會。 一方面她要經常奔波於各地的分公司,一方面我的客戶與廠商的付款都很正常。有一次她走近我的桌旁,仔細看了我桌上的相片,問我”這是你的太太和小孩嗎?” 是的,我說。”他們是雙胞胎嗎? (相差11個月)。 他們看起來好像啊。好可愛喔。你看他們胖嘟嘟的臉和大眼睛,真像可愛的豬小弟豬小妹啊。可以給我嗎? 好啊,任太太。 謝謝您。她很高興拿著相片走向她的辦公室。 我好高興她那麼喜歡我的小孩。
去年12月當我與曾盛銘見面時, 才知道 任太太與2008年過世。我聽了很難過,也很遺憾沒有參加她的喪禮或追禱會。我相信任太太現在是快樂地活在天堂裡,也正在祝福著我們大家。希望我們林麥人都過得健康快樂,做個對社會有所貢獻的人。
In my life, I am always thankful to Mrs. May Jen. Because, if it was not her to make the final interview of me, I would most probably be rejected by Linmark when I made my application in 1975.
After the qualification tests, I was first interviewed by Mr. Udalevich and had a very pleasant conversation with him. Then Mr. Whitburn. He asked,
“How long it will take you to work independently?”
“Within one month.”
“That’s impossible. If you can do it in 6 months, you are a genius.”
“I don’t know. But, one month was based on my previous job experience.”
“Do you like to make money fast?”
“Yes, I think so.” My fathered failed in business and lost all properties. So, I would like to.
“Then, why don’t you go bank robbing?”
“That’s terrible. I never thought of that.”
“Then how can you make money fast?”,
“I’ll work hard and become an expert in certain field, then I will cooperate with my good friends to do business together.”
“I see. Okay, you may go.”
At that time, I thought Mr. Whitburn was the owner of the company. He finished my interview without asking me about my desired salary. I was very disappointed and thought I was rejected by him, as most bosses didn’t like their employees to be ambitious about making money fast.
About one week later, Dana asked me to have final interview with the “Big Boss” who just returned from Hong Kong. Who was the Big boss? Another foreigner? When I was brought to a big office inside, I was surprised to see a Chinese gracious lady with sharp eyes, looking at me as I came in. She showed me to sit down and asked me several questions in Chinese.
She patiently asked me many questions, including my hometown, parents’ jobs, family members and their jobs. Then she asked if I had a job, and I said yes, and my salary was NT$6,000/month. Then she asked if I knew their salary- 3,500/month.
Then she asked me why I wanted to change my job. I told her that I liked English very much and I liked to work with foreign buyers. I knew Linmark had many foreign buyers. She asked if I would accept NT$3,500/month, I said yes, because I had decided to look for the bright future, not to care much about the current salary.
Next day, Dana told me that I was accepted by Linmark and I was so happy to join.
About three years later, Dana showed me my interview card, and I noticed that Mr. Udalevich gave me “A” for all qualification tests, and commented “He should be given a probation period of 6 months.” But, Mr. Whitburn’s wrote as follows:
“Quite a nice guy. But I don’t think he is a stayer. I would expect him to leave within one year.”

Fortunately, Mrs. Jen was not affected by Mr. Whitburn’s unfavorable comments on me and gave me a chance for further interview herself. She was very smart, and her judgment was right. I worked for Linmark 8-1/2 years. No wonder Mrs. Jen did most of the final interview of all new employees.

During my service in Linamrk, Mrs. Jen always smiled at me when she saw me. But, we seldom had any chance to talk to each other, since she travelled a lot to different offices and my accounts were handled pretty well . Once she walked by my table, stopped and looked at the photo in my desk, and asked, “Are they your wife and kids?” “Yes, they are.” “Are they twins? They look so much alike. How lovely they are! Look at their chubby faces and big eyes! They look just like little piggy dolls! Will you give it to me.” “Yes, Mrs. Jen. Thank you. .” She took it with smile and went into her office. I was so glad that she liked my kids so much.
When I met Steven Tseng in Dec. 2010, I first learned that Mrs. Jen passed away in 2008. I was very sorry to know about this sad news and regretted that I didn’t attend her funeral or church ceremony in memory of her. I believe Mrs. May Jen is now living happily in the Heaven, and is blessing all of us from the Heaven and wishes all Linmarkers will live healthily and happily, and make contribution to our society.