

宿舍住宿須知 (Dormitory Information)

 一、進入寢室第一件事必須注意什麼?(What should you do when you first get into the room?)

  1. 請同學入住當日務必確認寢室內之公物,並填寫線上公物確認單。Before students settle into designated dormitory room, it is expected of students to complete online “Dormitory Property Inventory Form”.
  2. 請熟悉宿舍內疏散路線以及消防設備。Please make yourself familiar with the fire escape and fire extinguishers in your building.
  3. 攸關同學個人住宿安全與權益,請務必詳閱寢室門後學生宿舍逃生疏散圖,以及學生宿舍生活公約學生宿舍管理規則,相關法規如有更新,請以網頁為主。For information concerning student safety and rights, please read the Dormitory Evacuation Map, Dormitory Life Convention and Dormitory Regulation which are attached on the door, any further information will be timely updated on the school website.

二、宿舍內有哪些服務人員可為同學服務?(Who runs the dormitories and what are their responsibilities?)

  1. 宿舍管理員:專責協助同學處理宿舍相關事務。The Dormitory manager: The staff who are mainly responsible for the daily management of each dormitory building. They can assist students with problems of any kind in the dormitory.
  2. 宿舍自治服務委員(宿委):協助處理與宣達住宿相關事務。The Student Dormitory Committee: The students who are responsible for the daily management of each dormitory building.
  3. 維修人員:負責宿舍相關維修作業。Servicemen: The staff responsible for the maintenance and repair of the dormitory facilities.

三、住宿期間,房間內有物品毀損該如何處理?(How to report a problem in your room?)

住宿期間,宿舍公物如有損壞可至管理員室反映或是根據毀損項目進行電話或網路報修,物品修繕處理方式如圖表:(While living in the dormitory, if anything missing or broken, please follow the Processing Defective Items for Repair)

區域 Area

毀損項目 Item

處理方式 Processing methods

負責單位 Division


 Dorm Room


Network port, network settings and connection issues.


Please contact the Information Services via the phone number: (03)890-6725、 (03)890-6726、(03)890-6727、 (03)890-6728


Office of Library and Information Services


Water heater, air conditioner, bed, door, floor-to-ceiling window, emergency light, smoke detector, bathroom facilities, wardrobe, ceiling, distribution box switches, etc. are missing or damaged.


Please use the Online Repair Request Form to submit the repair request: http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/GA/GaApply/Login.aspx


Office of General Affairs


Emergency light and chair are missing or damaged.


Preparation materials are available for residents in dorm manager room, or you can repair by yourself or ask the dorm manager to help replace it.


Dorm Manager Room


Toilet, drain, and sink are clogged.


You can borrow material from the dorm manager to fix the problem. If it still cannot be processed, report it to dorm manager to help for repair request.


Public Area


The public facilities of the tea room and social room, such as simple kitchen utensils, water dispenser, corridor lights, and street lamps, are missing or damaged.


Please report it to dorm manager to help for repair request.


Common facilities in the laundry room, such as washing machine, dryer, and dehydrator, are missing or damaged.


Please report it to dorm manager to ask outsourcing vendor for repair request.


四、什麼時候可以申請宿舍床位調遷作業?(How to change your room?

學生宿舍於開學當週每月1日提供調遷申請作業(每人每學年限申請一次),有需求之同學可至學務處生活輔導組辦理。On the first week of a new school year, or on the 1st of every month each student may file an application for dormitory transfer (only one application per academic year), any students in need may go to the Student Living Services division office.

五、簡易廚房冰箱使用注意事項( Reminder notes of refrigerator)

宿委們定時與冰箱登記使用者共同進行冰箱清理作業,請各位住宿生配合與相互提醒,並依規定在冰入物品上面註記相關資訊,避免物品因標示不清或未符規定而清除The Student Dormitory Committee will clean up the refrigerator. According to the regulations of the dormitory, residents should stick notes to identify their own food or it will be removed.

六、洗衣間使用注意事項( Reminder for washing and drying)

  1. 為維護住宿安寧,洗衣間開放時間為上午8時至晚上11時止。In order to observe the tranquility of dormitory, the service of laundry time is 8:00am-23:00pm.
  2. 請同學提早5-10分鐘至洗衣間等待清洗衣物之領取,以免影響其他同學使用權益,同時也可避免個人衣物被他人收取。In order to protect yours and other students’ rights, please arrive 5-10 minutes to wait for washing or drying to prevent other people from taking away your clothes.

七、圾垃處理注意事項(Reminder for the garbage disposal)

為維護宿舍環境清潔,請同學務必確實做好垃圾分類,並配合垃圾車時間進行垃圾丟棄作業。To maintain the cleanliness of the dormitory, please separate your garbage and adhere to garbage truck schedule in order to properly dispose of your garbage.

八、期末檢查扣罰注意事項(Reminder for the dormitory checking inspection)

為提供同學乾淨與舒適的住宿環境,宿舍關閉前夕皆進行期末檢查扣罰作業,請同學務必留意與配合。Inspecting the cleanliness of each room after dormitory closing is an effective way to encourage students to keep their room clean and keep the whole dormitory a nice living environment.




       校內宿舍相關Q&A https://rc135.ndhu.edu.tw/p/404-1159-102718.php?Lang=zh-tw